
1507 LotG - Highland McGuire 2 x service fees

July 2015 auction

Standing at How High Equestrian, Braidwood, NSW
Grey stallion 2005 16.3hh

McGuire is a stunning stallion, currently the highest-ranked eventing stallion in Australia. McGuire is a beautifully put-together Irish sporthorse by the talented Conqueror King, who also produced Cushavon Crackerjack, currently competing at three-star level. McGuire shows the bone and muscle of the Irish sporthorse, with a wonderful temperament that he throws to his progeny. His performance pedigree is underlined by the success of his dam side – the Zephyr line has produced many star performers including Highland Inspiration (3*) and Enchanted (4*) plus many others. McGuire started his competition career in 2009 with a 3rd at SEIC. He finished that year with a 2nd at the NSW State Championships at preliminary level. He is now competing successfully at 2* and is aiming to compete at his first 3* at the State Championships in October 2015. Highland McGuire is testament to the quality of the Irish bloodlines. Sam Lyle recently commented, after knowing McGuire and also coaching one of McGuire’s first offspring to be broken-in, that everyone should be breeding to McGuire as his offspring are talented and easy to train and ride. If you want to breed an international eventer, an Irish sporthorse the way to go. Since the Breeding Federation for Sport Horses was established in 1994, the Irish Sport Horse Studbook has taken top spot in eventing rankings for 19 of 21 years, including last year.

Conqueror King
The Conqueror
Flagmount Boy
Coole Atlantic Lady
Silver Skip
Atlantic Pride
Ever So Humble
Black Zephyr
Zephyr Bay
Sylvan Walk
Cheyene Walk
Madame Mere


Service fee: $1500 fresh or chilled 

Contact Bec 0428 475025 or James 0427 203390, or email


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